Louisiana Department of Education.
Social Studies Content Standards and benchmarks for Louisiana.
Education Planet.
Lesson plans for all social studies and many links.
Social Studies Lesson Plans.
Thousands of social studies lesson plans.
Humanities education sites reviewed for teachers by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Encarta Social Studies Lesson Plans
Over 250 lesson plans.
Awesome Library.
Lesson plans, resources and other links.
Teacher Scholastic.
Online internet projects for all disciplines. Many lessons plans too.
9,000 lessons plans, WebQuests, additional educational sites, free worksheets and educational news updated daily.
American History & Government Hotlist
Office of Population Research
American History Sites
The Government Information Sharing Project
Channel One
U.S. Outline Maps
Free maps of all the states individually and collectively.
Free printable theme units, word puzzles, writing forms, ideas, lessons and much more.
Free Worksheets & Teachers' Tools
Thousands of free worksheets and lesson plans.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Resources, seasonal activities, educational sites, and much more.
Lesson Plans4Teachers
130,000+ lesson plans.
Lessons, projects, on-line conference board & weekly newsletter.
Teach 2000
Quality links for teachers of all grade levels.
Grants For Teachers
Lonely Planet

Use the "Index" link above for easier site navigation!
