Fact Monster.
Games, quizzes, facts from around the globe, sports, etc.
Word of the Day.
Increase your vocabulary with a new word each day.
You Can Make Paper.
Learn to make paper online.
Fun Brain.
Games for all subjects for students & resources for teachers.

Survey Anywhere.
Conduct your own survey online.
History Channel - This Day In History.
Center For FUN Learning.
Educational activities & games & online tutoring.
Art Studio.
Cardboard Cognition
Interactive online games for all subjects and grade levels.
Games for the Classroom
 All subject areas and grades.
Historical Millionaire
A quiz in a t.v. quiz show format.
 email Pals for Classrooms
ePals connects students & teachers from different countries on joint projects pertaining to curriculum and culture via the internet.
Describes the Youth Envoy program; the program to empower youth in working against crime.
Students learn fun and crazy facts, boredom busters, science experiments and more.
Awesome Stories
Fun way to learn about fascinating people, places and events from ancient times to the present.
Factoids    Fun facts to amuse and inspire students.
Weekly News Quiz    Test your knowledge about current events.